01a. Patrick Vandickelen, Patricia Rener BE/ LR Defender 90
01b. Jans Johan, Huberte Vanbokrijk BE/ LR Defender 90
02a. Simone Romeo, Norbert Picron BE/ Toyota BJ73
02b. Nicolas Rattier, Alexandre Lefevre FR / Toyota LJ73
03a. Giorgio Igliozzi, Frioni Sisto IT/ Jeep YJ
03b. Andrea Protano, Francesco del Sorbo IT/ Nissan Patrol GR
4a. Paolo Iadicicco, Itauro Valiam IT/ Jeep Wrangler 4.0
4b. Francesco Petrucci, Roberto Coccia / IT / Nissan Patrol GR
05a. Filipe Paiva Santos, Claudio Carapeta PT/ LR Defender TD5
05b. Filipe Ferreira, Ricardo Monteiro PT/ LR Dakar proto
06a. Arjen Schampers, Rick Schampers NL/ LR Defender 90
06b. Petro Liebregts, Yolanda Liebregts NL/ LR Defender 90
07a. Guus Albregts, Joris Treurniet NL/ LR Defender 90
07b. Henri van Steenbergen, Joop Barten NL/ LR Defender 90
08a. Edward van Langenacker BE, Tudor Timotin RO/ Minerva
08b. Vincent Taverne, Frederic van Durmen BE/ LR Discovery
09a. Thierry Heois, Cyril Leroux FR/ Nissan Patrol GR
09b. Dominique Schoonenburg, Bertrand Lebrun BE/ LR Defender
10a. Petrainas George, Kostas Kolivas GR/ Range Rover Bobtail V8
10b. Aggelos Georgiou, Pol Kolivas GR/ Mitsubisi Pajero
11a. Iliev Krasimir, Ivan Marinov BG / Mercedes g
11b. Victor Mechkarov, Asen Vasilev BG / LR Defender
12a. Pascal Ubags, Paul van der Zwan NL/ LR Defender
12b. Wim Bruyland, Bart Lefevre BE/ Nissan Patrol
13a. Koen De Ridder, Ost Werner BE/ Toyota BJ70
13b. Manu Houben, Ben Flamaing BE/ Range Rover
14a. Andreas Wentner, Petra Handl AT/ Jeep TJ 4.0
14b. Monika Birner, Peter Birner AT/ Jeep Wrangler 4.0
15a. Steven Omblets, Christoph Soetewey BE/ Suzuki Samurai
15b. Wouter Vekeman, Stijn Vekeman BE/ Daihatsu Taft
16a. Georg Rudolph, Bernhard Rudolph AT/ Toyota LC
16b. Harald Seyfried, Friedl Martin AT/ Jeep CJ
17a. Bram DeSchacht, Pieter Dreezen BE/ Suzuki Samurai
17b. Marijn Knockaert, Kris Vanslembrouck BE/ Toyota 70
18a. Bernhard Hofstaetter, Niki Schoenborn AT/ Suzuki
18b. Dieter Gilnreiner, Jörg Sochor AT/ Suzuki SJ413
19a. Stefan Malak, Stanislav Andrascik / SK/ Suzuki Jimny
19b. Jaroslav Soltesz, Koncos Miroslav SK/ Suzuki Jimny
20a. Csaba Boros, Melinda Boros / HU /Jeep Wrangler
20b. Istvan Dóczi, Paul Demeter / HU / Suzuki Vitara
21a. Luc Gonzo Van Den Bogerd, Didier Joris / BE/ VW Iltys
21b. Johan Rekoms, Franky Put BE/ Toyota LC
22a. Fernando Blasco, Nestor Gaona CAT/ Nissan Patrol GR
22b. Felix Maxim, Robert Kelcso GE/ Mercedes G
23a. Carles Barange, Albert Serrà Roig CAT/ LR Defender
23b. Xavier Torrents Saenz de Pablo, Daniel Villanova Manzanares ES/ LR Defender 110
51a. Albert Omblets, Erna Van De Wouwer BE / Suzuki Samurai
51b. Guido Luyckx, Irene Roothoofd BE / Opel Frontera
52a. Marc Govaerts, Glenn Govaerts BE / LR Defender 90
52b. Jimmy Vanderstraeten, Casier Livin BE / LR Defender 110
53a. Dimitris Taloumis, John Rompotis GR / LR Defender Td5
53b. Pavlos Giavis, Dimosthenis Kazaglis GR / LR Defender V8
55a. Fabrice Peeter, Gerald Kasberg BE / LR Defender
55b. Giovanni Peeters, Marleen Demeyer BE / Toyota BJ43
56a. Gregor Lehner, Barbara Schwankhart AT / Jeep Cherokee
56b. Rainhard Friedl, Pauline Friedl AT / Suzuki Vitara
57a. Bart Van Asch, Niko Geens BE / LR Defender 90
57b. Gaby Vanseuningen, Casteels Karl BE / LR Defender 110
58a. Christoph Mostler, Sybille Kovacs AT / Jeep TJ 4.0
58b. Franz Hosch, Roman Jarosch AT / Jeep YJ 4.0
59a. Jordi Badia, Marc Badia CAT / Nissan Patrol GR
59b. Oriol Yrurzun Velasco, Antonio Canals Borras /ES/ Range Rover
60a. Kristel Caes, Dirk Verrlinden, BE/ Toyota HZJ74
60b. Guy Smets, Eddy Van As, BE/ Toyota BJ40
61a. Fabrice Carpentier, Fabien Gellotte FR / Range Rover V8
61b. Luc De Vadder, Dirk Verdegem BE / LR Defender 90
62a. Fabio Nascetti, Giuseppe Crocetti IT / Suzuki Samurai
62b. Bucur Milancovici, Robert Kugel RO / Mercedes G-wagen
63a. Francisc Demeter, Flavius Popity RO / Mercedes G 461
63b. Raimond Chelban, Ungureanu Florin RO / LR Defender
64a. Dorel Stanciu, Stan Constantin RO / Mercedes G
64b. Hanspeter Bleuer CH, Radu Tudoroiu RO / LR Defender
30 June 2008
24 June 2008
A word of caution
Beware of branches & such this year - it's going to be pretty tough. For those of you that are open to the outside (no roof, no doors, no windows, etc) think of getting a pair of googles (or a helmet with face protection) and a tough jacket. A chainsaw/axe +/- shovel might come in handy.
And of course, don't forget your swimming suits ;)
See you in Deva
19 June 2008
The Program
Registrations in Hotel Sarmis
You will park the competition cars on the main boulevard.
It will be closed and guarded.
7.00-10.00 breakfast
11.00 briefing in Hotel Sarmis
12.00 official Start in the city center, 1 min. delay between the teams.
12.30 Start in the trial
The starting order is the team numbers order.
Every team, after completing the trial, will start immediately the race.
The assistance will go the main camp on road.
20.00 Dinner
6.30 breakfast
7.15 briefing
8.00 Start of the first team.
5 min. delay.
Open and extreme will start in different directions, in the same time.
Finish in the S Camp for the Extreme and in the N Camp for the Open.
Cold meals served as the teams arrive.
7.00 breakfast
7.30 briefing
8.00 Start of the first team.
5 min. delay.
20.00 dinner in the Main Camp.
10.00 breakfast
11.00 briefing
12.00 Special Stages Start.
20.00 dinner
6.30 breakfast
7.15 briefing
8.00 Start of the first team.
5 min. delay.
Open and extreme will start in different directions, in the same time.
Finish in the N Camp for the Extreme and in the S Camp for the Open.
Cold meals served as the teams arrive.
7.00 breakfast
7.30 briefing
8.00 Start of the first team.
5 min. delay
14.00-17.00 FINISH
Back to the hotels in Deva
20.00 Awards Ceremony & Party.
7.00-10.00 breakfast
10.30 Goodbye meeting in Hotel Sarmis.
Registrations in Hotel Sarmis
You will park the competition cars on the main boulevard.
It will be closed and guarded.
7.00-10.00 breakfast
11.00 briefing in Hotel Sarmis
12.00 official Start in the city center, 1 min. delay between the teams.
12.30 Start in the trial
The starting order is the team numbers order.
Every team, after completing the trial, will start immediately the race.
The assistance will go the main camp on road.
20.00 Dinner
6.30 breakfast
7.15 briefing
8.00 Start of the first team.
5 min. delay.
Open and extreme will start in different directions, in the same time.
Finish in the S Camp for the Extreme and in the N Camp for the Open.
Cold meals served as the teams arrive.
7.00 breakfast
7.30 briefing
8.00 Start of the first team.
5 min. delay.
20.00 dinner in the Main Camp.
10.00 breakfast
11.00 briefing
12.00 Special Stages Start.
20.00 dinner
6.30 breakfast
7.15 briefing
8.00 Start of the first team.
5 min. delay.
Open and extreme will start in different directions, in the same time.
Finish in the N Camp for the Extreme and in the S Camp for the Open.
Cold meals served as the teams arrive.
7.00 breakfast
7.30 briefing
8.00 Start of the first team.
5 min. delay
14.00-17.00 FINISH
Back to the hotels in Deva
20.00 Awards Ceremony & Party.
7.00-10.00 breakfast
10.30 Goodbye meeting in Hotel Sarmis.
16 June 2008
History and Maps

What you are seeing in this image is a map made in 1915 by the Austo Hungarian Empire (rulers of this area back then).
We added with yellow the GPS tracks we made during the scouting. The distance between villages is 2-3 km.
The details are amazing, this are very old and narrow roads on top of the hills. We are using them for the Extreme tracks on Thursday and Friday. On many of them nobody passed for more than 50 years! And they are made who knows when, hundred of years ago.
On Monday the extreme will even go on a track made 2000 years ago during the occupation by the Roman Empire! And after a few hundred meters they will enter a tunnel 840m long, made in 1902 for an industrial railway and deserted now!
13 June 2008
We sent to all of you the registration files.
If there are any changes, please send us back the file with the modifications.
This way we will spare a lot of time during the registration process in Deva.
We are opening our desk Saturday 28th of june at 12.00, in the lobby of Hotel Sarmis.
After we will fill the hotel, which is not big enough for all the teams, we will accommodate the teams who will arrive later to Hotel Deva, who is 400 meters away, also in the center.
The cars will be parked on the main street on a section that will be closed and guarded, like last year.
The trailers will be parked in a separated place.
We are opening our desk Saturday 28th of june at 12.00, in the lobby of Hotel Sarmis.
After we will fill the hotel, which is not big enough for all the teams, we will accommodate the teams who will arrive later to Hotel Deva, who is 400 meters away, also in the center.
The cars will be parked on the main street on a section that will be closed and guarded, like last year.
The trailers will be parked in a separated place.
11 June 2008
Hotel Sarmis, Deva
N45 52.678 E22 54.283
or open this file on google earth
or this file on your GPS Software
View Larger Map
or open this file on google earth
or this file on your GPS Software
View Larger Map
10 June 2008
why GPS?
for a few reasons:
First reason- in some positions of the Roadbooks you will have azimuths. That means that we give you an angle relative to the north (azimuth) and a distance on that direction so you can find the next position.
The distance is aerial (line of sight) calculated between the start point (the place you are) and the end point (the place you're looking for). This was done with the GPS and is very precise.
You will have to know how to operate your GPS in order to create a new waypoint based on the distance + angle we give you and then to go to that point. The route between the 2 points is not always direct so most of the time the distance on the ground (the one from the Trip meter) is longer.
If you use a compass you don't have enough precision on the angle reading and you cannot estimate the correct distance (line of sight).
Second reason- it's for your safety. In case you are lost or the car is broken, the only way to describe your position is by the GPS position.
First reason- in some positions of the Roadbooks you will have azimuths. That means that we give you an angle relative to the north (azimuth) and a distance on that direction so you can find the next position.
The distance is aerial (line of sight) calculated between the start point (the place you are) and the end point (the place you're looking for). This was done with the GPS and is very precise.
You will have to know how to operate your GPS in order to create a new waypoint based on the distance + angle we give you and then to go to that point. The route between the 2 points is not always direct so most of the time the distance on the ground (the one from the Trip meter) is longer.
If you use a compass you don't have enough precision on the angle reading and you cannot estimate the correct distance (line of sight).
Second reason- it's for your safety. In case you are lost or the car is broken, the only way to describe your position is by the GPS position.
09 June 2008
Tracks length
The Open Class:
Sunday 56 km
Monday 100 km
Tuesday 97 km
Thursday 114 km
Friday 55 km
Total approx. 422 km plus some special stages on Wednesday.
The Extreme Class:
Sunday 55 km
Monday 120 km (+ maybe another 40 depending on the weather and how fast you are..)
Tuesday 90 km
Thursday 110 km (+ more)
Friday 80km
Sunday 56 km
Monday 100 km
Tuesday 97 km
Thursday 114 km
Friday 55 km
Total approx. 422 km plus some special stages on Wednesday.
The Extreme Class:
Sunday 55 km
Monday 120 km (+ maybe another 40 depending on the weather and how fast you are..)
Tuesday 90 km
Thursday 110 km (+ more)
Friday 80km
Fuel, trailers & camps
The fuel price is the same as in the rest of Europe. There are fuel station near the camp sites (max.20km away).
If you are coming with street cars or trucks or trailers you can leave them in a special guarded place in Deva.
The main camp is accessible with any type of car. But the space we have for camping (at least for the moment, because we're looking for solutions) is not that big, so we would like to ask you to leave the unnecessary cars in Deva.
If you are coming with street cars or trucks or trailers you can leave them in a special guarded place in Deva.
The main camp is accessible with any type of car. But the space we have for camping (at least for the moment, because we're looking for solutions) is not that big, so we would like to ask you to leave the unnecessary cars in Deva.
06 June 2008
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