See you in 2009!
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E.M.A-Emergency Medical Assistance is a nonprofit organization founded by an enthusiastic doctor, Dr. Emanuel Baciu, with the purpose of implementing a project that can help us, the people around us and can also improve the medical assistance provided in special, extreme situations.
The camp staff:
Mrs. Ecaterina Mirea
Simona, Vlad and Gabriel Calin
Lorand Toth
Bogdan Paranici
Boby Marius Popescu
Roland Toth
Special thanks for hard work and endurance to the foreign volunteer
Claudine Dewit
Marc Godfroid
Bertrand Krast
Dirk Peeraer
Sacha Petrasollaire
Peter Timmers
Virgil Marin
Ionut Macri
Zina Soceanu
Rudel Jurca
Virginia O’Neil
Radu Pitigoi
Beware of branches & such this year - it's going to be pretty tough. For those of you that are open to the outside (no roof, no doors, no windows, etc) think of getting a pair of googles (or a helmet with face protection) and a tough jacket. A chainsaw/axe +/- shovel might come in handy.
And of course, don't forget your swimming suits ;)
See you in Deva
51a. Albert Omblets, Erna Van De Wouwer / BE / Suzuki Samurai
51b. Guido Luyckx, Irene Roothoofd / BE / Opel Frontera
52a. Marc Govaerts, Glenn Govaerts / BE / LR Defender 90
52b. Jimmy Vanderstraeten, Casier Livin / BE / LR Defender 110
53a. Dimitris Taloumis, George Karamalis / GR / LR Defender Td5
53b. Pavlos Giavis, Dimosthenis Kazaglis / GR / LR Defender V8
54a. Krasimir Iliev, Ivan Marinov / BG / Mercedes G
54b. Mladen Pavlov, Nikola Jeliazkov / BG/ Nissan Patrol
55a. Fabrice Peeter, Gerald Kasberg / BE / LR Defender
55b. Giovanni Peeters, Marleen Demeyer / BE / Toyota BJ43
56a. Gregor Lehner, Barbara Schwankhart / AT / Jeep Cherokee
56b. Rainhard Friedl, Pauline Friedl / AT / Suzuki Vitara
57a. Bart Van Asch, Niko Geens / BE / LR Defender 90
57b. Gaby Vanseuningen, Jean-Pierre Csanyi / BE / LR Defender 110
58a. Christoph Mostler, Alexander Mostler / AT / Jeep TJ 4.0
58b. Franz Hosch, Roman Jarosch / AT / Jeep YJ 4.0
59a. Jordi Badia, Marc Badia / CAT / Nissan Patrol GR
59b. Oriol Yrurzun Velasco, Antonio Canals Borras SP/ Range Rover
60a. Kristel Caes, Erik Menten BE/ Toyota HZJ74
60b. Guy Smets, Jaspert Meert BE/ Toyota BJ40
61a. Fabrice Carpentier, Fabien Gellotte / FR / Range Rover V8
61b. Luc De Vadder, Dirk Verdegem / BE / LR Defender 90
01a. Patrick Vandickelen, Patricia Rener BE/ LR Defender 90
01b. Jans Johan, Huberte Vanbokrijk BE/ LR Defender 90
02b. Nicolas Rattier, Alexandre Lefevre FR /
03b. Andrea Protano, Francesco del Sorbo IT/ Nissan Patrol GR
04b. Carles Barange, Jesus Diaz CAT/ LR Defender 90
05b. Filipe Ferreira, Antonio Rocha PT/ LR Dakar proto
06b. Petro Liebregts, Yolanda Liebregts NL/ LR Defender 90
07b. Henri van Steenbergen, copilot NL/ LR Defender 90
08b. Vincent Taverne, Frederic Vandurmen BE/ LR Discovery
09b. Dominique Schoonenburg, Bertrand Lebrun BE/ LR Defender
10b. Aggelos Georgiou, Pol Kolivas GR/ Mitsubisi Pajero
11b. Victor Mechkarov, Asen Vasilev BG / LR Defender
12b. Wim Bruyland, Bart Lefevre BE/ Nissan Patrol
13b. Manu Houben, Ben Flamaing BE/ Range Rover
14b. Monika Birner, Peter Birner AT/ Jeep Wrangler 4.0
15b. Wouter Vekeman, Stijn Vekeman BE/ Daihatsu Taft
16b. Harald Seyfried, Gerald Haidinger AT/ Jeep CJ
17b. Tom, Kris Vanslembrouck BE/
18b. Dieter Gilnreiner, Jorg Sochor AT/ Suzuki SJ413
19b. Jaroslav Soltesz, Matus
20b. Dóczi Istvan, Almacht Norbert / HU / Suzuki Vitara
21b. Johan Rekoms, Franky Put / BE/
22b. Felix Maxim, copilot GE/ Mercedes G