21 December 2009

Umanitara 4x4 Craciun 2009

In fiecare an cu ocazia sărbătorilor de iarnă, Transilvania Adventure Club organizează expediţii umanitare dedicate oamenilor din comunităţi izolate. Anul acesta, în satele Lăpugiu de Sus şi Ciungani din judeţul Hunedoara, Moş Crăciun a venit nu în sania sa trasă de reni, ci însoţit de caravana maşinilor de teren. Pentru că ninge deja de câteva zile în întreaga ţară, caravana off-road s-a echipat cu toate cele trebuincioase pentru a ajunge cu bine la gospodăriile risipite pe văile Munţilor Metaliferi şi Poiana Ruscă.

Voluntarii participanţi la această expediţie şi-au umplut vineri seara maşinile 4x4 cu cărţi, rechizite, jucării, dulciuri şi cadouri pe care moşul le-a dăruit sâmbătă şi duminică celor mici ce-şi vor petrece restul iernii în sat.
Copiii au fost fericiţi să îl aibă pe Moş Crăciun printre ei, i-au cântat colinde, i-au spus poezii şi au stat cu Moşul la poveşti. Pe seară, serbarea a continuat cu o şedinţă foto ad-hoc şi cu proiecţii de filme pentru copii.

Cei 20 de participanţi fac parte din Transilvania Adventure Club, Organizaţia Caritas Petroşani şi Asociaţia Ovidiu Rom. Organizatorii mulţumesc:

angajaţilor McCann Erickson România,
bisericii Sf. Silvestru din Bucureşti,
editurii Litera,
magazinului f64,
IDEI şi Multimedia Service,
Nestle România,
şcolii primare Discovery,
trupei Paiaţa Party
şi tuturor celor care au ajutat la acest proiect.

Fotografii de la:
Radu Tudoroiu,
Rodica Bălaşa,
Mihaela Trancă,
Ionuţ Macri şi Bogdan Paranici.

Stiri pe Antena 1 Deva:
- 21 decembrie, de la min 7
- 22 decembrie, de la min 10

View Larger Map

View Larger Map

25 November 2009

TAT2009 Movie Launch / Belgium

A big thank you to all our friends from Belgium! Special thanks for 1313 Racing Team and their families!
It was a great weekend and we were very happy to see you all.

For those who couldn't be present at the launch event, you can order the TAT2009 DVD on our website at:

There is also a link on that page to download for free the TAT2008 Movie (or just click here)

24 September 2009

Movie launch

The french version of the movie will be launched on the 30th of October
more about that here http://www.autrolls.fr/

Belgium is next with the launch of the English version.
Check here in the near future for the exact date and place.

11 July 2009

TAT2009 Winners


Csaba Boros, Eigner Mihály (HU) / Jeep Wrangler
Magyar Szilard, “Pippo” Kristian Kovacs (HU) / Suzuki G

Guus Albregts, Joris Treurniet (NL) / LR Defender90
Henri van Steenbergen, Joop Barten (NL) ) / LR Defender90

Paul van der Linde, Marc Jansen (NL) / LR Defender 90
Peter Arends, Paul De Haas (NL) / LR Discovery
Remco-Peter van der Waarden, Rens-Jan Veenstra (NL) / LR Defender 90
Bernd Enting, Luuc Potgieter (NL) / LR Defender 100


Hidisan Ciprian State, Lazar Leonard Paul (RO) / Toyota
Olariu Cristian Ionel, Costa Cosmin Cristian (RO) / Toyota

Gregor Lehner, Barbara Schwankhart (AT) / Jeep Cherokee
Bieber Ernst, Bieber Brigitte (AT) / Mitsubishi Pajero

Stan Constantin, Dorel Stanciu (RO) / Mercedes G
Vali Dutu, Andrei Hazgan (RO) / Toyota

06 July 2009

Rankings day one

1 30 197 30a. Bernhard Hofstaetter, Nikolaus Schoenborn (AT) / Suzuki Samurai
30b. Markus Prochazka, Ernst Toelly (AT) / Suzuki Samurai
2 25 199 25a. Sorin Parvulescu (RO), Maurilio Zani (IT) / Mercedes G
25b. Flavius Palcu, Ioana Nistor (RO) / LR Defender 90
3 12 209 12a. Remco-Peter van der Waarden, Rens-Jan Veenstra (NL) / LR Defender 90
12b. Bernd Enting, Luuc Potgieter (NL) / LR Defender 100
4 20 224 20a. Mikhail Klyuyko, Igor Pentinen (RUS) / Toyota Buggy
20b. Gabi Nicolae, Valentin Capota (RO) / Nissan Patrol
5 4 228 04a. Guus Albregts, Joris Treurniet (NL) / LR Defender 90
04b. Henri van Steenbergen, Joop Barten (NL) ) / LR Defender 90
6 9 230 09a. Dominique Schoonenburg, Bertrand Lebrun (BE) / LR Defender 90
09b. Thierry Heois, Eric Paugam (FR) / Nissan Patrol GR
7 33 231 33a. Paul Bass, Neville Hudd (UK) / LR Defender 90
33b. Andrew Nash, Adrian Turner (UK) / LR Defender 90
8 27 233 27a. Harald Seyfriedl, Martin Seyfriedl (AT) / Jeep CJ
27b. Georg Rudolph, Bernhard Rudolph (AT) / Toyota LC
9 3 247 03a. Edwin van Der Maas, Johan van Der Maas (NL) / Jeep Wrangler
03b. Peeters Kees, Erwin van Bussel (NL)/ Jeep Wrangler CJ
10 26 250 26a. Vincent Taverne, Frederic van Durmen (BE) / LR Discovery
26b. Dominique Brione (FR), Sebastien Arnold (FR) / LR Defender 90
11 17 251 17a. Felix Maxim, Adi Ruhaltinger (GE) / Mercedes G
17b. Christoph Renner, Robert Kelcso (GE) / Toyota LC
12 1 254 01a. Csaba Boros, Eigner Mihály (HU) / Jeep Wrangler
01b. Magyar Szilard, Kristian Kovacs (HU) / Suzuki G
13 6 261 06a. Paul van der Linde, Marc Jansen (NL) / LR Defender 90
06b. Peter Arends, Paul De Haas (NL) / LR Discovery
14 23 268 23a. Petro Liebregts, Yolanda Liebregts (NL) / LR Defender 90
23b. Pieter Lazaroms, William van de Wiel (NL) / LR Defender 90
15 13 298 13a. Koen de Ridder (BE), Tudor Timotin (RO) / Toyota BJ73
13b. Gregg Docx, Steven Bosmans (BE) / LR Spooky Range
16 5 307 05a. Andreas Wentner, Petra Handl (AT) / Jeep Wrangler TJ
05b. Monika Birner, Peter Birner (AT) / Jeep Wrangler TJ
17 22 322 22a. Christoph Mostler, Alexander Mostler (AT) / Jeep TJ 4.0
22b. Franz Hosch, Roman Jarosch (AT) / Jeep YJ 4.0
18 24 355 24a. Bucur Milancovici, Robert Kugel (RO) / Mercedes G
24b. Costin Fantana, Andrei Fantana (RO) / Suzuki
19 14 355 14a Txordi Badia, Marc Badia (CAT) / Nissan Patrol GR
14b. Pedro Calleja Gasulla, Xavi Moorly (SP) / Nissan Patrol
20 2 376 02a. Nico Wijnalda, Siebren Visser (NL) / Jeep Wrangler CJ
02b. Serge Huffmeijer, Marco Schepens (NL) / Jeep Wrangler TJ
21 29 396 29a. Bart Van Asch, Niko Geens (BE) / LR Defender 90
29b. Gaby Vanseuningen, Bert Ceulemans (BE) / LR Defender 110
22 28 405 28a. Marc Govaerts, Ickx Mario (BE) / LR Defender 90
28b. Glenn Govaerts, Leysen Dave (BE) / LR Defender 90
23 8 448 08a. Bart Hautvast, Sandra Kneijber (NL) / Suzuki SJ410
08b. Jan Uit de Bulten, Michiel van Ketten (NL) / Suzuki Samurai
24 11 496 11a. Francisco Arriaza, Manuel Guerrero (SP) / Nissan Patrol GR Y60
25 7 496 07a. Carles Barange, Albert Serra (CAT) / LR Defender
07b. Jorge Gonzálbez Catalá, Alonso Andrés González (SP) / Nissan Patrol
26 36 620 36a. Stefan Malak, Mikulas Borovsky (SK) / Suzuki Jimny
36b. Stanislav Andrascik, Richard Spanik (SK) / Suzuki Samurai
27 35 620 35a. Zoltan Guzi, Lee Marchant (UK) / LR Defender 90
35b. Mark Gadsby, Marcos Jamieson (UK) / LR Defender 90
28 34 620 34a. Miroslav Koncos, Erich Kormos (SK) / Suzuki Samurai
34b. Lubos Manica, Peter Sablatura (SK) / Jeep Cherokee
29 15 620 15a. Gonzo Luc Van Den Bogerd, Pat Raats (BE) / VW Iltis Buggy
15b. Jean Bossaerts, Dirk Geens (BE) / VW Iltis Buggy Evo2
30 16 620 16a. Peter (Pim) De Raeymaekers, Gert Van Eggermond (BE) / VW Iltis
16b. Michael Sengers, Roy Bruurs (BE) / Daihatsu Taft
31 21 620 21a. Marek Kobylec, Mathew Heybyrne (UK) / LR Defender 110
21b. Paul Acketts, Adie Hibberd (UK) / LR Defender 90
32 10 620 10a. Arend Nieuwenhuis, Philip Koopmans (NL) / LR Series3
10b. Pascal Ubags, Paul van der Zwan (NL) / LR Defender

Day One

Sunny, great atmosphere at the trial. Photos here.
A few technical problems on the extreme class, all repaired during the night.
On the hobby class everything is ok, no damages.
Now it's raining on the south camp, where the extreme is located. the sun will shine again today, I'm sure...

04 July 2009

Day Zero

A lot of cars came on Friday.
Saturday at 11.oo we'll start the registrations. Lunch break from 14-15.30. And then registrations until 23.00.
It's gonna be a looong day for us.

The weather is perfect. Mud in the forest, rain from time to time during the day.
My car is filled with mud (on the inside). That special mud that flies through the windows.

03 July 2009

Transilvania Adventure Trophy 2009

Sau cum sa scapi de frica de vampiri. Sau varcolaci.

Pana acum cativa ani, cand ziceai Transilvania te gandeai la poteci neumblate, seri fara luna si zgomote bizare in paduri vechi de secole. Transilvania e infricosatorul si misteriosul taram a lui Dracula, al varcolacilor, were-wolf-ilor sau al oricaror alte mituri holywoodiene sau locale.

Valul de mister si panica dispare in zgomotul unui motor V8 turat la maxim. Miturile se evapora improscate de noroi aruncat de cauciucuri gigantice cramponate. Incepe Transilvania Adventure Trophy. Raliul off-road care umbreste miturile transilvanene si muta seturile de fobii in noi dimensiuni.

Ti-ai dori sa fii intr-o padure pustie, haituit de ceva varcolaci. E mai putin infricosator decat o coborare, o inclinatie laterala sau o trecere ingusta si alunecoasa pe marginea unei prapastii. Sau decat zborul cu multi kilometri la ora pe suprafete rupte de ploi si furtuni, denumite optimist “drumuri forestiere”.

Cea de-a opta editie a competitiei Transilvania Adventure Trophy se va desfasura la Deva, in perioada 4 – 10 iulie. Europa si-a trimis cei mai buni off-roaderi din 16 tari: Belgia, Olanda, Marea Britanie, Spania, Portugalia, Franţa, Italia, Grecia, Republica Cehă, Slovacia, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Rusia, Austria, Germania. Lor li se alatura cateva echipaje locale.

Concursul are loc intr-un peisaj deosebit: Apuseni, Poiana Rusca si Muntii Metaliferi.

Sute de kilometri impanati cu absolut toate obstacolele pe care natura le-a inventat. Sunt de kilometri de efort, rasplatiti cu peisaje pitoresti si tabere de neuitat.

Competitorii vor pleca la start impartiti in doua clase: Extrem si Open, cu 70 de masini in prima categorie si 36 in cea de-a doua. Cu totii vor porni intr-o competitie impotriva celorlalti, dar vor avea de luptat cu mai multi adversari: propriile limite, nemiloasa natura si salbaticia Transilvaniei.

30 June 2009

Wheather update

The weather is very stormy these days...
Even the simplest tracks can became dangerous under those circumstances so prepare for the worst.
For the Hobby class I recommend to exercise the "downhill-with-a-long-strap-on-the-tree-technique" in case you don't have a back winch.
And don't forget to bring those snatch blocks you never use.

28 June 2009

26 June 2009

The Hobby List

51a. Gregor Lehner, Barbara Schwankhart (AT) / Jeep Cherokee
51b. Bieber Ernst, Bieber Brigitte (AT) / Mitsubishi Pajero

52a. Georg Ploder, Martin Ploder (AT) / Jeep Cherokee
52b. Hannes Bagl, Christian Grünauer (AT) / Toyota HDJ80

53a. Dimitris Taloumis, Giannis Rombotis (GR) / LR Defender 90
53b. Tilemahos Taloumis, Konstantinos Grigoriou (GR) / Jeep Rubicon

54a. Thomas Blank, Manfred Schneider (AT) / Mitsubishi Pajero
54b. Wilhelm Wendelin, Ilsr Wendelin (AT) / Jeep CJ7

55a. Fabrice Peeters, Gerald Kasberg (BE) / LR Defender 90
55b. Giovanni Peeters, Marleen Demeyer (BE) / Toyota LC BJ43

56a. Guy Smets, Kristel Caes (BE) / Toyota HZJ74
56b. Dirk Leroy, Dirk Verlinden (BE) / Toyota Landcruiser

57a. Franz Hasenberger, Franz Knezevic (AT) / Jeep Grand Cherokee
57b. Milan Jurkovic, Paul Hofer (AT) / Puch G

58a. Hans Hehl, Renè Rosin (GE) / Mercedes G 280
58b. Rainer Wabersich, Christa Weltner (GE) / Mercedes G

59a. Luc De Vadder, Dennis Kind (BE) / LR Defender
59b. John Jongeneel, Bart Verhoef (NL) / LR Defender 90

60a. Herwig Huto, Wilhelm Amon (AT) / Jeep YJ
60b. Sascha Rziha, Christoph Csarmann (AT) / Jeep XJ

61a. Christian Wiesener, Christian Krauss (AT) / Jeep Wrangler
61b. Werner Breitler, Helen Nimmervoll (AT) / Jeep Cherokee

62a. Michel Vrachtdoender, Saskia Vrachtdoender-Hassolt (NL) / LR Discovery
62b. Leonie Van Hoevell, Joris Inniger (NL) / LR Defender

63a. Hristian Pashkov, Toncho Tomov (BG) / UAZ Hunter
63b. Peter Dobrev, Stoian Stanchev (BG) / UAZ Hunter

64a. Vasillis Tsigaras, Lampros Katsaros (GR) / LR Defender 90
64b. Papanikolaou Ian Paniain, Thodoris Afentras (GR) / Suzuki Samurai SJ413

65a. Mugur Nicolae, Valentin Rosanu (RO) / LR Discovery

66a. Imo Schneider, Rose Schneider-Van der Zwan (NL) / Daihatsu Rocky
66b. Marc Borst, Saskia Borst (NL) / LR Discovery

67a. Stan Constantin, Dorel Stanciu (RO) / Mercedes G
67b. Vali Dutu, Andrei Hazgan (RO) / Toyota

68a. Hudusan Ciprian State, Sanfirisca Marius (RO) / Toyota LC
68b. Pilot, Copilot (RO) /

69a. Andrei Ciobica, Gigel Mazarache (RO) / Mitsubishi Pajero
69b. Marius Stefanescu, Bogdan Mamulea (RO) / Daihatsu Rocky

The Extreme Start List

looks like that:

Group 1

01a. Csaba Boros, Zoltan Konya (HU) / Jeep Wrangler
01b. Eigner Mihály (HU) / Suzuki Samurai

02a. Nico Wijnalda, Siebren Visser (NL) / Jeep Wrangler CJ
02b. Serge Huffmeijer, Marco Schepens (NL) / Jeep Wrangler TJ

03a. Edwin van Der Maas, Johan van Der Maas (NL) / Jeep Wrangler
03b. Peeters Kees, Erwin van Bussel (NL)/ Jeep Wrangler CJ

04a. Guus Albregts, Joris Treurniet (NL) / LR Defender 90
04b. Henri van Steenbergen, Joop Barten (NL) ) / LR Defender 90

05a. Andreas Wentner, Petra Handl (AT) / Jeep Wrangler TJ
05b. Monika Birner, Peter Birner (AT) / Jeep Wrangler TJ

06a. Paul van der Linde, Marc Jansen (NL) / LR Defender 90
06b. Peter Arends, Paul De Haas (NL) / LR Discovery

07a. Carles Barange, Albert Serra (CAT) / LR Defender
07b. Jorge Gonzálbez Catalá, Alonso Andrés González (SP) / Nissan Patrol

08a. Bart Hautvast, Sandra Kneijber (NL) / Suzuki SJ410
08b. Jan Uit de Bulten, Michiel van Ketten (NL) / Suzuki Samurai

09a. Dominique Schoonenburg, Bertrand Lebrun (BE) / LR Defender 90
09b. Thierry Heois, Eric Paugam (FR) / Nissan Patrol GR

10a. Arend Nieuwenhuis, Philip Koopmans (NL) / LR Series3
10b. Pascal Ubags, Paul van der Zwan (NL) / LR Defender

12a. Remco-Peter van der Waarden, Rens-Jan Veenstra (NL) / LR Defender 90
12b. Bernd Enting, Luuc Potgieter (NL) / LR Defender 100

13a. Koen de Ridder (BE), Tudor Timotin (RO) / Toyota BJ73
13b. Gregg Docx, Steven Bosmans (BE) / LR Spooky Range

14a Txordi Badia, Marc Badia (CAT) / Nissan Patrol GR
14b. Pedro Calleja Gasulla, Xavi Moorly (SP) / Nissan Patrol

15a. Gonzo Luc Van Den Bogerd, Pat Raats (BE) / VW Iltis Buggy
15b. Jean Bossaerts, Dirk Geens (BE) / VW Iltis Buggy Evo2

16a. Peter (Pim) De Raeymaekers, Gert Van Eggermond (BE) / VW Iltis
16b. Michael Sengers, Roy Bruurs (BE) / Daihatsu Taft

17a. Francisco Arriaza, Manuel Guerrero (SP) / Nissan Patrol GR Y60
17b. Fernando Blasco, Nestor Gaona (SP) / Nissan Patrol GR

18a. Felix Maxim, Adi Ruhaltinger (GE) / Mercedes G
18b. Christoph Renner, Robert Kelcso (GE) / Toyota LC

Group 2

19a. Jean-Pierre Jacques, Suzanne Magali (FR) / Toyota LC
19b. Fabrice Deloffre, Gilles Geneve (FR) / Mercedes Unimog 411

20a. Mikhail Klyuyko, Igor Pentinen (RUS) / Toyota Buggy
20b. Gabi Nicolae, copilot (RO) / Nissan Patrol

21a. John Latue, Copilot (UK) / LR Defender 90
21b. Paul Acketts, Adie Hibberd (UK) / LR Defender 90

22a. Christoph Mostler, Alexander Mostler (AT) / Jeep TJ 4.0
22b. Franz Hosch, Roman Jarosch (AT) / Jeep YJ 4.0

23a. Petro Liebregts, Yolanda Liebregts (NL) / LR Defender 90
23b. Pieter Lazaroms, William van de Wiel (NL) / LR Defender 90

24a. Bucur Milancovici, Robert Kugel (RO) / Mercedes G
24b. Costin Fantana, Andrei Fantana (RO) / Suzuki

25a. Sorin Parvulescu (RO), Maurilio Zani (IT) / Mercedes G
25b. Flavius Palcu, Ioana Nistor (RO) / LR Defender 90

26a. Vincent Taverne, Frederic van Durmen (BE) / LR Discovery
26b. Dominique Brione (FR), Chris Armelin (UK) / LR Defender 90

27a. Harald Seyfried, Martin Seyfried (AT) / Jeep CJ
27b. Georg Rudolph, Bernhard Rudolph (AT) / Toyota LC

28a. Marc Govaerts, Ickx Mario (BE) / LR Defender 90
28b. Glenn Govaerts, Leysen Dave (BE) / LR Defender 90

29a. Bart Van Asch, Niko Geens (BE) / LR Defender 90
29b. Gaby Vanseuningen, + copilot (BE) / LR Defender 110

30a. Bernhard Hofstaetter, Nikolaus Schoenborn (AT) / Suzuki Samurai
30b. Markus Prochazka, Ernst Toelly (AT) / Suzuki Samurai

31a. Marek Kobylec, Mathew Heybyrne (UK) / LR Defender 110
31b. Joseph Rose, Nicholas Donnelly (UK) / LR Defender 90


33a. Paul Bass, Neville Hudd (UK) / LR Defender 90
33b. Andrew Nash, Adrian Turner (UK) / LR Defender 90

34a. Miroslav Koncos, Roman Misurak (SK) / Suzuki Samurai
34b. Lubos Manica, Peter Sablatura (SK) / Jeep Cherokee

35a. Zoltan Guzi, Lee Marchant (UK) / LR Defender 90
35b. Mark Gadsby, Marcos Jamieson (UK) / LR Defender 90

36a. Stefan Malak, Erik Kormoš (SK) / Suzuki Jimny
36b. Jaromír Bednár, Miloslav Janácek (CZ) / Toyota LC73

24 June 2009

20 May 2009

The Program

Saturday, 4th of July
All day: Check in at Hotel Sarmis in Deva


7.00-9.00 Breakfast in the Hotels
10.00 Technical Briefing in Hotel Sarmis
12.00 Official Start in the center of Deva
12.30 Start of the Special Stage in Deva (Trial) for the Extreme Class.
After the the finish of the SS each team will continue on the normal stage

14.00 Start near Deva for the Hobby Class. No Special Stage.
Finish at the South Camp 4-6 hours later for the Extreme Class
Finish at the North Camp for the Hobby Class

8.00 Breakfast and Technical Briefing
9.00 Start
Finish at North Camp for the Extreme1 and Hobby
Finish at the South Camp for the Extreme2

8.00 Breakfast and Technical Briefing
9.00 Start
Finish at the North Camp for the Extreme 1& 2
Finish at the South Camp for the Hobby

8.00 Breakfast and Technical Briefing
9.00 Start
Finish at the North Camp for the Extreme 2
Finish at the South Camp for the Extreme1 and Hobby

8.00 Breakfast and Technical Briefing
9.00 Start
Finish at the North Camp for the Hobby
Finish at the South Camp for the Extreme1& 2

6.00 Breakfast and Technical Briefing
7.00 Start
Finish in Deva
Check in at the same hotels in Deva
21.00 Awards Ceremony
Big party!

Saturday, 11th of July
7.00-10.00 Breakfast
Bye bye and see you next year ceremony!

30 April 2009

The Camps

There will be 2 main camps this year, "North" and "South".
The distance between them is 63 km (line of sight). On the tracks it will be double so make sure you can drive at least 150-200 km each day.
Both camps are accessible by standard 4x4's or SUV.

On the first day, on Sunday, you will drive from Deva to the South Camp.
Starting from Monday you will drive 2 times between the camps (S-N and N-S) and another 2 days around the camps.
On the last day, on Friday, you will drive from South Camp back to Deva.

Please note that:
- you won't sleep more than 2 consecutive nights in one place. Make all the necessary arrangements with your support team or make sure that you can carry all your stuff in the cars in case you don't have a support team.
- the extreme class will be divided in 2 groups because of the large participation.
The first group will consist of the teams from 01 to 18 and the second from 19 to 36.
They will drive the same tracks but on different days (we know that's not the ideal solution but it's better than having 72 cars on the same track on the same day).
In case you have friends in the other group and you must absolutely drive together contact me ASAP.
Please see the previous posts about your start number.

Update. I forgot to mention that the 2 groups of the extreme will be in the same camps on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Rules 2009

We are working on the rules for TAT2009. There will be no major changes from 2008.
This is the part that might interest you now for the preparation of the cars:

2.1. General rules for the admission of the vehicles in the competition

All competition vehicles must be registered (have license plates) and be legally roadworthy for public roads. The participants take full responsibility for driving the vehicles on public roads during the entire competition (respecting the traffic laws on public roads in Romania)
During the competition the team is made up of two crews (vehicles).
At the START line, it is mandatory for the cars to have placed, in a noticeable area, on each side of the car, the racing ID-numbers.
The advertising materials distributed by the organizer will have to be placed on visible areas on the outside of the vehicle.
At the START line, the teams will need to have clean racing numbers and advertising materials.

2.2. Minimal mandatory technical requirements for the admission in the competition

EXTREME class:
- roll cage
- automobile competition harness (4 points seat belts)
- auto-moto protective helmets
- front winch
- tree trunk protection straps
- distance measurement equipment (trip computer)
- communication equipment (two-way radio, CB, mobile phones)
- extreme competition tires
- 5th tire or tube
- fire extinguisher – minimum 1 kg
- first aid kit

HOBBY class:
- normal factory settings (seat belts)
- distance measurement equipment (trip computer)
- minimum 1 winch / team
- tree protection straps, shackles
- fire extinguisher – minimum 1 kg
- minimum MT tires in good condition,
- 5th tire or tube
- communication equipment (two-way radio, CB, mobile phones)
- protective helmets if the vehicle is soft-top or open–top
- first aid kit

2.3. Special recommendations

EXTREME class:
- winch weight (recommended min 1kg)
- back winch
- straps and shackles
- snatch block
- tent and sleeping bag, survival kit
- axe, shovel or pickaxe
- chainsaw
- high lift jack
- ground anchor
- snorkel
- protective gloves
- flashlights
- extra food and water for 24 hours

HOBBY class:
- auto-moto protective helmets
- roll cage
- winch on both cars
- protective gloves
- shovel, axe
- flashlight
- extra food and water for 24 hours
- tent and sleeping bags

2.4. General recommendations
Each vehicle should have displayed in a visible place the first and last names and the blood type for each crew member.
Fuel transportation is allowed in specially made and certified metal containers which are airtight and very well attached so they cannot roll over inside the car. The fuel is not included in the registration fee.

17 March 2009

Updates on the main site

You can read there some of the articles about TAT

The Hobby Class List

For the Hobby Class the registrations will remain open for a while.
Click here to access the registration form

51a. Gregor Lehner, Barbara Schwankhart (AT) / Jeep Cherokee
51b. Bieber Ernst, Bieber Brigitte (AT) / Mitsubishi Pajero

52a. Georg Ploder, Martin Ploder (AT) / Jeep Cherokee
52b. Hannes Bagl, Christian Grünauer (AT) / Toyota HDJ80

53a. Dimitris Taloumis,
Giannis Rombotis (GR) / LR Defender 90
53b. Tilemahos Taloumis, Konstantinos Grigoriou (GR) / Jeep Rubicon

54a. Thomas Blank, Manfred Schneider (AT) / Mitsubishi Pajero
54b. Wilhelm Wendelin, Ilsr Wendelin (AT) / Jeep CJ7

55a. Fabrice Peeters, Gerald Kasberg (BE) / LR Defender 90
55b. Giovanni Peeters, Marleen Demeyer (BE) / Toyota LC BJ43

56a. Guy Smets, Kristel Caes (BE) / Toyota HZJ74
56b. Dirk Leroy, Dirk Verlinden (BE) / Toyota Landcruiser

57a. Franz Hasenberger, Franz Knezevic (AT) / Jeep Grand Cherokee
57b. Milan Jurkovic, Paul Hofer (AT) / Puch G

58a. Hans Hehl, Renè Rosin (GE) / Mercedes G 280
58b. Rainer Wabersich, Christa Weltner (GE) / Mercedes G

59a. Luc De Vadder, Dennis Kind (BE) / LR Defender
59b. John Jongeneel, Wypke Jongeneel (NL) / LR Defender 90

60a. Herwig Huto, Wilhelm Amon (AT) / Jeep YJ
60b. Sascha Rziha, Christoph Csarmann (AT) / Jeep XJ

61a. Christian Wiesener, Christian Krauss (AT) / Jeep Wrangler
61b. Werner Breitler, Helen Nimmervoll (AT) / Jeep Cherokee

62a. Michel Vrachtdoender, Saskia Vrachtdoender-Hassolt (NL) / LR Discovery
62b. Leonie Van Hoevell, Joris Inniger (NL) / LR Defender

63a. Hristian Pashkov, Toncho Tomov (BG) / UAZ Hunter
63b. Peter Dobrev, Stoian Stanchev (BG) / UAZ Hunter

Vasillis Tsigaras, Lampros Katsaros (GR) / LR90
64b. Papanikolaou Ian Paniain, Thodoris Afentras (GR) / Suzuki Samurai SJ413

65a. Mugur Nicolae, Valentin Rosanu (RO) / LR Discovery
65b. Alexandru Barbu, Mirela Rasnoveanu (RO) / Toyota LC70

66a. Imo Schneider, Rose Schneider -Van der Zwan (NL) / Daihatsu Rocky
66b. Marc Borst, Saskia Borst (NL) / LR Discovery

If you did the payment but you are not on the list, please contact us

The Extreme Class Start List

The start list, updated on 20 may

01a. Csaba Boros, Zoltan Konya (HU) / Jeep Wrangler
01b. Eigner Mihály (HU) / Suzuki Samurai

02a. Nico Wijnalda, Siebren Visser (NL) / Jeep Wrangler CJ
02b. Serge Huffmeijer, Marco Schepens (NL) / Jeep Wrangler TJ

03a. Edwin van Der Maas, Johan van Der Maas (NL) / Jeep Wrangler
03b. Peeters Kees, Erwin van Bussel (NL)/ Jeep Wrangler CJ

04a. Guus Albregts, Joris Treurniet (NL) / LR Defender 90
04b. Henri van Steenbergen, Joop Barten (NL) ) / LR Defender 90

05a. Andreas Wentner, Petra Handl (AT) / Jeep Wrangler TJ
05b. Monika Birner, Peter Birner (AT) / Jeep Wrangler TJ

06a. Paul van der Linde, Marc Jansen (NL) / LR Defender 90
06b. Peter Arends, Paul De Haas (NL) / LR Discovery

07a. Carles Barange, Albert Serra (CAT) / LR Defender
07b. Jorge Gonzálbez Catalá, Alonso Andrés González (SP) / Nissan Patrol

08a. Bart Hautvast, Sandra Kneijber (NL) / Suzuki SJ410
08b. Jan Uit de Bulten, Michiel van Ketten (NL) / Suzuki Samurai

09a. Dominique Schoonenburg, Bertrand Lebrun (BE) / LR Defender 90
09b. Thierry Heois, Eric Paugam (FR) / Nissan Patrol GR

10a. Arend Nieuwenhuis, Philip Koopmans (NL) / LR Series3
10b. Pascal Ubags, Paul van der Zwan (NL) / LR Defender

11a. Nicolas Rattier, Alexandre Lefevre (FR) / Toyota LJ 73
11b. J M, G V (FR) / Suzuki Samurai

12a. Remco-Peter van der Waarden, Rens-Jan Veenstra (NL) / LR Defender 90
12b. Bernd Enting, Luuc Potgieter (NL) / LR Defender 100

13a. Koen de Ridder (BE), Tudor Timotin (RO) / Toyota BJ73
13b. Gregg Docx, Steven Bosmans (BE) / LR Spooky Range

14a Txordi Badia, Marc Badia (CAT) / Nissan Patrol GR
14b. Pedro Calleja Gasulla, Xavi Moorly (SP) / Nissan Patrol

15a. Gonzo Luc Van Den Bogerd, Pat Raats (BE) / VW Iltis Buggy
15b. Jean Bossaerts, Dirk Geens (BE) / VW Iltis Buggy Evo2

16a. Peter (Pim) De Raeymaekers, Gert Van Eggermond (BE) / VW Iltis
16b. Michael Sengers, Roy Bruurs (BE) / Daihatsu Taft

17a. Francisco Arriaza, Manuel Guerrero (SP) / Nissan Patrol GR Y60
17b. Fernando Blasco, Nestor Gaona (SP) / Nissan Patrol GR

18a. Steven Omblets, David De Raedt (BE) / LR Defender 90
18b. Wouter Vekeman, Stijn Vekeman (BE) / Suzuki LJ80

19a. Jean-Pierre Jacques, Suzanne Magali (FR) / Toyota LC
19b. Fabrice Deloffre, Gilles Geneve (FR) / Mercedes Unimog 411

20a. Mikhail Klyuyko, Igor Pentinen (RUS) / Toyota Buggy

21a. John Latue, Copilot (UK) / LR Defender 90
21b. Paul Acketts, Adie Hibberd (UK) / LR Defender 90

22a. Christoph Mostler, Alexander Mostler (AT) / Jeep TJ 4.0
22b. Franz Hosch, Roman Jarosch (AT) / Jeep YJ 4.0

23a. Petro Liebregts, Yolanda Liebregts (NL) / LR Defender 90
23b. Pieter Lazaroms, William van de Wiel (NL) / LR Defender 90

24a. Felix Maxim, Adi Ruhaltinger (GE) / Mercedes G
24b. Christoph Renner, Robert Kelcso (GE) / Toyota LC

25a. Sorin Parvulescu (RO), Maurilio Zani (IT) / Mercedes G
25b. Flavius Palcu, Ioana Nistor (RO) / LR Defender 90

26a. Vincent Taverne, Frederic van Durmen (BE) / LR Discovery
26b. Dominique Brione (FR), Chris Armelin (UK) / LR Defender 90

27a. Harald Seyfried, Martin Seyfried (AT) / Jeep CJ
27b. Georg Rudolph, Bernhard Rudolph (AT) / Toyota LC

28a. Marc Govaerts, Ickx Mario (BE) / LR Defender 90
28b. Glenn Govaerts, Leysen Dave (BE) / LR Defender 90

29a. Bart Van Asch, Niko Geens (BE) / LR Defender 90
29b. Gaby Vanseuningen, + copilot (BE) / LR Defender 110

30a. Bernhard Hofstaetter, Nikolaus Schoenborn (AT) / Suzuki Samurai
30b. Markus Prochazka, Ernst Toelly (AT) / Suzuki Samurai

31a. Marek Kobylec, Mathew Heybyrne (UK) / LR Defender 110
31b. Joseph Rose, Nicholas Donnelly (UK) / LR Defender 90

32a. Christophe MAGNIEN, Cyril GERARD (FR) / Range Rover
32b. Claude Souillard, Didier Maman (FR) / Mercedes G

33a. Paul Bass, Neville Hudd (UK) / LR Defender 90
33b. Andrew Nash, Adrian Turner (UK) / LR Defender 90

34a. Miroslav Koncos, Roman Misurak (SK) / Suzuki Samurai
34b. Lubos Manica, Peter Sablatura (SK) / Jeep Cherokee

35a. Zoltan Guzi, Lee Marchant (UK) / LR Defender 90
35b. Mark Gadsby, Marcos Jamieson (UK) / LR Defender 90

36a. Stefan Malak, Stanislav Andrascik (SK) / Suzuki Jimny
36b. Jaromír Bednár, Miloslav Janácek (CZ) / Toyota LC73

23 February 2009

Status update

Starting the 1st of March we will close the registrations for the Hobby class too.
Additionally, all registrations unpaid until then will be canceled.
After that date we will leave the registrations open for the assistance teams, until the 1st of June.

A meeting with the locals while scouting for last year's edition:

02 February 2009

Camel Trophy ?

I just got a mail from Brazil:


I will go once more to face the adversities of the Amazon during the rainy season. This year 2009 will be even more radical.
Follow our adventure on the site: www.cameltrophy.com.br/transamazonica2009/

You could spread this adventure? Have many photos as of 2008, see website: www.cameltrophy.com.br/expedicaodofrevo

Thank you for disclosure,

Sérgio Holanda


09 January 2009

TAT winner for sale/ Not anymore

The technical details of the car:
- mechanical winch with automatic power-transmission setting (1-6 t.)
- pole breaks
- you can change the pression in the tyres while the car moves
- shock absorber (Race Runner Air Shock)
- pull-down wiht air
- you can switch in and out the stabilizators
- VW Golf motor with 140 HP
- portal axels
- Bedlock in the tyres
- .... and so on
Succsess of the Car:
- winner of TAT 2007. TAT 2008
- winner of Super-Karpata Trophy 2008
- winner of Istria Challenge 2007
- winner of Euro Trophy
- Hungarian Champion (Trophy, Trial)
-... and so on
The price is 35.000 Euro, but it depends on the equipment.
And if somebody has question my phonenumber is: 0036-30-9-160-767 (I can speak english, german, hungarian).

Not for sale anymore: he's preparing it to kick your ass (again)